Art Therapy for Depression
Wellness and Recovery from Depression
Service Description
Depression is a crippling feeling that seems to haunt us from the moment we wake up to the last hour before we sleep, if we sleep. It is a scary and lonely place to be in, although through session we regain a mastery of control through goal and reality-orientation of our thought-process. Here you will be introduced to cognitive behavioral techniques which assist to reframe your negative limiting beliefs that just feed your depression, and explore distortions or misperceptions we have have developed over time through the depression, to notice, accept, and let go of thoughts, then reframe. We all tend to act out traits of a "worrier, a victim, a critic, or a perfectionist," that leads to sensations of extreme worry, anxiety, stress, anger, shame, and guilt. However, you will gain a new perspective how depression does not define you as a person, it is a temporary phase in your life, and maybe it will come and go, but here, you can learn to manage your depression with self-control, through insight and action. It takes a willingness and some push to reclaim our power, even if its baby steps we take, like making the bed every morning or going outside just for a walk, is progress! That is taking a step forward, instead of a step backwards staying stagnant and stuck where you are, simply stuck and not moving. You will learn new outlets of expression to not isolate so much which is common in depression, and seek support when needed. Therapist will provide unconditional positive regard, to help you find root core of depression, and challenge it, to see what is the depression there to actually teach you, to serve you somehow, turning the attention towards growth and gaining strength, as opposed to just ruminating with your thoughts of hopelessness. Each individual is unique in their own way, and experience depression more severely. We will address your personal needs, and I will tailor an individualized treatment plan, to navigate through your past, present and future to gain a birds-eye view of significant life events and re-focus on your individual strengths. Learning deeper aspects of who you are based off your own desires and values, can assist with reframing negative thought-processes towards regaining a healthier outlook on life. By acquiring a knowledge-base of self care tools and coping skills to implement into your daily routine, will assist you to regulate your emotions that feel overwhelming, and modify your behavior when severely depressed.

Contact Details
13293 Southwest Alejandro Court, Port St. Lucie, FL, USA