Throughout life, when we face deeply difficult situations rooted in emotional conflict, or either we get too busy in life to even notice, we have a tendency to neglect our inner child and abandon our childhood-like innocence. This is readily available to us at anytime, to channel and reintegrate into our lives, to embrace being and feeling innocent again, to drop knowledge for a moment and seek truth within, peeling away all the layers of conditioning absorbed over the years since you were born. Your inner child is your true authentic self, the highest expression of who you are at the core. It is the essence of "I" : higher conciousness.
Taking a moment to reconnect is imperative for your wellbeing. Self-rememberance is key to transcendance. When we may begin to create an inner dialogue with our inner child, we may find what we truly need in our lives, and examining what is missing, and what would make your inner child happy again. Is it play? Is it laughter? Is it joy? Sometimes a little personal inventory can go a long way. When we begin to see closely what has not been working in our lives, and reconnect with self, soul, and spirit "your inner child," we may begin to release what no longer serves us, whether it is negative false limiting beliefs or thoughts, or toxic relationships, or codependent or addictive behaviors, etc., and begin to naturally attract new people and situations in your life that are more in tune with the highest version of yourself, in alignment with your inner child.
Self-remembrance is key to joy. Surrender, goof off, be silly, be cooky, who cares what others think, just love and laugh, and be a kid again!
Oh, and by the way, welcome to my blog! This is a place for a restful time-out read of your day, a self-care medicine read, a feel-good heart read, a self-inquiry read, just sit back, relax, and enjoy. You may relate to some things that are discussed here, you may agree or disagree, which is a wonderful way to return to authenticity, hearing and applying the voice of the inner child. He or she carries the answers indefinitely, and you just have to ask him or her the question. "Seek and you shall find!" I encourage you to challenge yourself with the entries here, to wander and rise above, reaching beyond and surging ahead, to fully see whole-heartedly where the wind may take you when you digest and apply what you take from the "read." The abstract dialogue within my blog may generate thoughts and emotions you relate to, and its what you make of it. You may learn something new, but mostly it is written intentionally for you to learn something about yourself, to take a little nibble off a sentence or a big chunk of a paragraph and apply it to yourself and the outside world! The words here are not just for mere personal enrichment, yet furthermore, increasing your self-awareness and fostering self-efficacy. Shifting perspectives within yourself may begin to take place. Use this as an opportunity towards self-examination and towards self-improvement, putting words into action. After all, this is a is a non-judgmental place to draw inspiration from, and question and grow through visual and verbal commentary. This will be an ongoing conversation where you I will offer guidance and support, from personal and professional experiences. Happy reading!
